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Apple Man(ual) Pages - a guide to available commands from Terminal

Apple has publicized an index of the man pages (Unix command Manual). Anyone familiar with Unix will be able to use this through Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal or through X11 if installed.    Applescript can access those commands through a simple process such as:




do shell script "[unix command]"


on error error_message




display dialog error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1


end try


Note you replace [unix command] (including brackets) with any command you can find above to issue that command.

You can also add after the end quote a


with administrator privileges


to issue the command with a sudo login.   If you don't know what sudo is, be very sure you are aware of the implications of being a "Superuser" on Unix.   You can wipe the entire hard drive with one short command if you aren't careful.

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